Development of Nb3Sn Superconducting Quadrupole Magnet for SuperKEKB Up-Grade - Development Overview of the Nb3Sn Quadrupole magnet
有本 靖, 青木 和之, 増澤 美佳, 中村 衆, 荻津 透, 大内 徳人, 大木 俊征, 鈴木 研人, 飛山 真理, 植木 竜一, 王 旭東 (KEK); AMBROSIO Giorgio, GOURLAY Stephen, KASHIKHIN Vadim, KASHIKHIN Vladimir, MARINOZZI Vittorio, STOYNEV Stoyan, VELEV Gueorgui, XU Xingchen (Fermi Lab.); MUN Ka Kei, 杉本 昌弘, 中尾 健吾, 谷口 諒, 原 英和 (古河電工)
Abstract:The SuperKEKB accelerator is an electron-positron collider, and its final beam focusing system consists of 55 superconducting magnets. To improve beam collision performance, KEK is studying upgraded final focus quadrupole magnets using Nb3Sn technology in collaboration with FNAL and Furukawa Electric. In this presentation, we will report on the need for the magnet upgrade and the current project status.