
Inductance influence in current distribution for simple-stacking HTS conductors

Garfias Davalos Diego Armando (総研大); 成嶋 吉朗, 柳 長門 (NIFS)

Abstract:A 20-kA-class STARS (6 m), 3-turn coil experiment has been performed.
On the first experimental phase, a residual magnetic field was measured, suggesting circulating currents decaying inside the conductor, with a decay dependance to the input current ramp rate. On the second experimental phase, additional magnetic sensors were placed to further investigate the magnetic field decay.
Then, a numerical calculation was developed to account for the inductance effect, reproducing the experimental observations, and confirming the magnetic field decay dependance on the contact resistance between HTS tapes. An additional HTS solenoid experiment is under manufacturing, to explore the circulating currents in an inductance-enhanced scenario.