
Series pulse tube refrigerator with double inlet and inertance tube

许 爽, 朱 紹偉 (同済大)

Abstract:Series pulse tube refrigerator (SPTR) has attracted much attention due to the high efficiency benefitted from its work recovery function in recent years. The key point of its high efficiency is that the expansion work of the first stage cold head could be used as the input work of the second stage. But, the well-distribution of the acoustic power between the first and second stage cold head is usually hard to reach because the expansion work of the first stage does not always meet the requirement of the second stage cold head. Based on that, a new part of double inlet was added in the inertance tube SPTR to adjust the input work distribution. Specifically, the double inlet could add more power for the second stage, and it has phase shifting function to the first stage, too. Two types of double inlet SPTR, bypass type and step piston type, were studied. The 2D axisymmetric models were built, and the numerical simulation analysis work about the input work distribution, work recovery, and phase shift of the double inlet SPTR was carried out in combination of the optimization of some components. The bypass SPTR test platform was built. The effects of double-inlet valve and inertance tube on the lowest cooling temperature were studied. The lowest no-load temperature of the first stage cold head is 75.8 K, and of the second stage cold head is 162.2 K.