Status of MgB2 superconducting wires at Sam Dong Co., Ltd. in Korea

Status of MgB2 superconducting wires at Sam Dong Co., Ltd. in Korea

CHOI Jun Hyuk, LEE Dong Gun (Sam Dong); 前田 穂, 崔 世鎔 (Kangwon 国立大); 金 正鎬 (Wollongong 大)

Abstract:Sam Dong Co., Ltd., is a heavy electrical industry for various copper wires in Korea. Since 2014, Sam Dong Co., Ltd. has been developing a variety of customized MgB2 superconducting wires, especially 7- and 19-filament for DC/AC applications. Recently, we are studying the optimization of precursors to further enhance a core density with homogeneity. The densification is known to be a key factor to increase a superconducting active area, results in superior critical current property. In our presentation, we will prove a strong correlation between critical current and precursors under different magnetic field regions.