Performance test on the compact unit of brass leads with HTS wire

Performance test on the compact unit of brass leads with HTS wire

宗 占国, 大内 徳人, 土屋 清澄, 東 憲男, 山岡 広, 有本 靖 (KEK); 田中 学 (三菱電機システムサービス); 遠藤 友成 (日立プラントテクノロジー)

Abstract:For the 40 superconducting (SC) correction coils in the SuperKEKB interaction region (IR) SC magnet system, the compact unit to integrate 8 brass leads of 50 A with helium vapor cooling was designed and studied numerically and experimentally. To further reduce lead heat leaks to the liquid helium (LHe), the 2nd generation (2G) high temperature SC (HTS) wire was proposed to be soldered to the cold ends of the brass leads. This paper will present the cryogenic experiments and numerical analysis on the leads with HTS wire.