
Comparison of coolant circulation when using the straight pipe and corrugated pipe for a long DC HTS power transmission

IVANOV Yury, 渡邉 裕文, 浜辺 誠, 河原 敏男, 孫 建, 山口 作太郎 (中部大)

Abstract:Efficiency of power production, transmission, and distribution, improvement of energy quality become priorities in the field of electric power industry in the 21th century. Entirely advanced technologies including superconducting one should be used to meet the growing needs of the people. In particular, HTS power cables allow increasing the level of transmitted energy to several GW at voltage of 66-110 kV. High performance cooling subsystem is an essential element of the entire HTS cable system. Conventional easy-to-use corrugated cryostats or straight crypipes in order to facilitate the circulation of the liquid nitrogen can be used. Our report reveals the pros and cons of both approaches and discusses the prospects of the future DC HTS cable projects.