Critical current measurements with HTS tape arrangements for superconducting DC transmission power cables
孫 建, 水野 博貴, 安部 宏典, 小原 久人, 渡邉 裕文, 浜辺 誠, 河原 敏男, 山口 作太郎 (中部大)
Abstract:We have been studying the effect on the maximum current of the HTS power cables due to the tape arrangements. In the present experiments five HTS tapes were used and set as the tape arrangement in the cable with two layer structures. The critical current distributions of the tapes are measured against the gap between the tapes in the same layer. The experiments show that the improvement of the critical current is improved by optimizing the tape arrangements due to magnetic field interaction between the tapes. We will present the experimental results and discuss the design of the HTS DC cable.