Design method of combined-function magnets wound with high Tc superconductors
李 全, 雨宮 尚之, 中村 武恒 (京大); 荻津 透 (KEK)
Abstract:For accelerators, high Tc superconductors (HTS) are a remarkable option comparing to LTS, since they possess several distinctive characteristics, e.g. good thermal stability and low cost for cooling, whereas they have strong mechanical restriction for bending and winding. In this paper, a detailed method is presented to apply coated conductors into the design of combined-function accelerators involving both dipole and quadrupole magnetic field components. This method considers their electromagnetic and mechanical characteristics, and is capable to solve the mechanical restriction issue. Both 2D cross-sectional design for the straight section and 3D design considering the bending and torsion tolerances of coated conductors were carried out. Results show that using this method, combined-function accelerators wound with coated conductors can be successfully designed to meet the requirement. This work was supported by Japan Science and Technology Agency under the Strategic Promotion of Innovative Research and Development Program.