
Temperature Rise of a Tri-axial HTS Cable at Fault Condition

胡 南南, 添田 誠司, 戸田 雅久, 谷貝 剛, 津田 理, 濱島 高太郎 (東北大)

Abstract: By the advantage of more compact structure, small leakage field, and low heat loss, tri-axial cable become to be mainstream design in recently HTS practical project. However, before the cable can be putted into practical use, the reliability of the cable in fault condition should be ensured.
 Since a fault occurred in the circuit, the fault current might be several times larger than cable critical current. Some part of fault current can flow into Ag sheath and copper stabilizer layers. Because of the concentric structure, the mutual-inductance between phases may have an influence on the current distribution. Along with the quench of HTS layer, cable temperature may increase. This temperature rise can be controlled by cooling perimeter or stabilizer layer design. Based on the two-section balanced tri-axial cable model, simulation of typical fault was carried out in the cable with different combinations of the cooling perimeter and stabilizer area design to observe the temperature rise.