
Performance of a long HTS Tri-Axial transmission line

胡 南南, 添田 誠司, 下山 和貴, OZCIVAN Nuri, 谷貝 剛, 津田 理, 濱島 高太郎 (東北大)

Abstract:For long Tri-Axial superconducting cable circuit analysis, transmission line model for simulation is classified by their length. Based on our previous investigation, the balanced three-phase currents and homogeneous current distribution can be realized by setting reasonable twist pitches. The balanced short transmission line circuit, which is less than 10 km, ignoring capacitance, can be described as an impedance circuit that only consists of inductance. However, the capacitances between each phase in a medium-length line (10-100km long) cannot be ignored anymore. A simulation circuit, composed of pi segments, has an unbalanced phase distribution due to unsymmetrical parameters (capacitance) in the Tri-Axial structure. Therefore, external capacitance is added to the circuit to solve this problem. We showed the balanced current distribution of the modified cable by using EMTP.